CLUES for the Alien Elements

CLUES for the Alien Elements:


Use the following clues to place the elements:


The noble gases are bombal (Bo), wobble (Wo), jeptum (J), and logon (L). Among these gases, wobble has the greatest atomic mass and bombal the least. Logon is lighter than jeptum.


The most reactive group of metals are xtalt (X), byyou (By), chow (Ch), and quackzil (Q). Of these metals, chow has the lowest atomic mass. Quackzil is in the same period as wobble. Apstrom (A), vulcania (Vc), and kratt (Kt) are nonmetals in Group 17. Vulcania is in the same period as quackzil and wobble.


The metalloids are ernst (E), highho (Hi), terriblum (T), and sississ (Ss). Sississ is the metalloid with the greatest atomic mass. Ernst is the metalloid with the lowest atomic mass. Highho and terriblum are in Group 14. Terriblum has more protons than highho. Yazzer (Yz) touches the zigzag line, but it’s a metal, not a metalloid.

The lightest element of all is called pfsst (Pf). The heaviest element in the group of 30 elements is eldorado (El). The most chemically active nonmetal is apstrom. Kratt reacts with byyou to form table salt.


The element doggone (D) has only 4 protons in its atoms.

Floxxit (Fx) is important in the chemistry of life. It forms compounds made of long chains of atoms. Rhaatrap (R) and doadeer (Do) are metals in the fourth period, but rhaatrap is less reactive than doadeer. Magnificon (M), goldy (G), and sississ are all members of Group 15. Goldy has fewer electrons than magnificon.


Urrp (Up), oz (Oz), and nuutye (Nu) are in Group 16. Nuutye is found as a diatomic molecule and has the same properties as a gas found in Earth’s atmosphere. Oz has a lower atomic number than urrp.


The element anatom (An) has atoms with a total of 49 electrons. Zapper (Z) and pie (Pi) are both members of Group 2. Zapper has fewer protons than pie.